Siddha Treatment
Many more traditional systems were followed throughout the world as their own specificated climates and environment depending upon the culture of them. Among those most of them were disappeared gradually in pass time. Some of them are being steadily. In those systems the very best system that has been followed still now is siddha. It is not proud, and is true, why because the human race which has started its life from the continent of “Lemuria” the united part of Asia, Africa and Australia. The people belong to this continent wandering here and there for the daily prey as animals. And this wandering flow of life, which has taught more and more knowledge about the nature and its hidden secretes that embedded in an each part of it, and from this knowledge it had produced some stalwarts also. They were called as Arivar, Aranar, Munivar at that time, the centuries passed they were called as siddhas. They had fixed principles about life and movements within the nature. The life devoted by them is also purely nature. The meaning of siddham is clear mind, pure intelligent and pure knowledge. The siddhars means the true person of nature having tremendous power with great intelligence, knowledge and intellectual mind.
They had got tremendous transcendental knowledge from meditation. They discovered and invented more and more amazed things by intuition with the help of blissful light illuminated in to them.
Siddha Medicine:
It is one of the ancient system of medicines, having very cutes principles. The medicines are prepared from Herbal, Metal, Minerals, Animal and its products.
A group of familiar siddhars are called as Navanatha Siddhars and Pathinen Siddhars. The names of pathinen siddhars are getting vary from records to records, but the first siddhar of all treatise is Agastiar
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The names of Siddhars are:
- Agathiyar
- Bhogar
- Korakkar
- Kailasa nathar
- Chattaimuni
- Thirumoolar
- Nanthi
- Koonkannar
- Konganar
- Machamuni
- Vaasamuni
- Koormamuni
- Kamalamuni
- Idaikadar
- Punnakkeesar
- Sundarananthar
- Uromarizi
- Piramma muni
The siddha medical science that had given by them is also very wonderful when we compared with other systems. The arrangements of 32 internal and 32 external medicines are the first impressed thing one to others.
Then the calcinations of high melting pointed metals in simple manner are also is very wonderful. The alchemy system of mercury to gold by the reduction of its atoms from 80 to 79 respectively is one of the amazed thing that when we realized. The meaningful word about this alchemy process is very difficult to understand even still now.
They believed that only the nature and their own body (Physical body). The nature reacts with the physical body, which contains subtle body to react with the natured energy and the vital body to react to both and bound with one another. The very secrets flows from nature are recorded in the vital body and the future deviations will also depending upon it. A man if he protects the physical body with the help of nature he never get die without his own will. This is the major principles of siddhas.
One can live without any detect if he activate the secret flow of energy embedded inside the physical body with the help of pranic energy and mind. The pranic energy reactive centres bring some good and evil effects when they are activated depending upon the activation methods. Hence the science which dealt about the pranic energy reactive is called as "Varma science". The meaning is it brings something good (or) evil things.
The very most fundamental principles that followed by siddhas are no things that can create without existing materials.
"One from the exits another one they never get destroys but changed to another form".
The universe formed from pure unknown substances. The substances react with one another to form more and more pressure increased they were getting changes and while a great sound will evolve with light. Then the substances scattered with the sound and light by bombarding outwardly getting stability and they become gets the characteristic properties of its stabled nature. And the living organisms were formed with the mattering tendency to produce itself to their offspring of its own peculiar nature of characteristic features. This principle is known as Siva thathuvam the most famous known siddhar of ancient. He had started to teach all the exist knowledge, that he knew to the disciples (or) to published all this secret of natural to the development of the future generation. Hence the fundamental principle was known a Siva Thathuvam. He becomes worshipped as Lord siva.
But lord siva who followed sivam principles. The siva principles were pure natured in the unknown time. "This means pure light and pure love". If one who takes efforts to find out this light with pure love (mind) without any confusion can achieve the vision of true nature through his physical body.
The physical body has more and more efficient to the eminent physical reactive centres to show all the secrets hidden inside the nature with our will body.
Siddha system of medicine which has a unique diagnosis method to identify diseases without using modern techniques. They are eight in numbers called as Envagai Thervu (Eight type of testing methods).
- Tongue – Colour of tongue which reveals the type and condition of the diseases.
- Colour and shining of face and body – According to this method siddhars judged the fatality condition with time limitation.
- Speech -With the help of tone and type of speech. Siddhars diagnosed the diseases and found out duration of fatality.
- Eye – Through colour of eye lid, eye, tear and vision. Siddhars diagnosis the diseases.
- Touch sensation – Temperature variation, Soften and harden of sensitive areas of the body which reveals the curability and fatality.
- Motion – Colour and consistency of motion which shows the diseases.
- Urine – Colour, Smell, Foam, Sedimentation of urine which indicate the disease and curability. Urine test is done by pouring a drop of gingily oil in a vessel containing urine in which spreading pattern of oil reveals the disease condition curability and fatality.
- Nadi – Pulse is a specific method to identify diseases. Pulse is palpated in lateral side of fore arm just one inch above the wrist by using three fingers namely, Index finger, Middle finger and Ring finger.(a)Index finger indicate vatham, (b) Middle finger indicate pitham,(c) Ring finger indicate kabam in the Ratio of 1: ½:1/4 impulse volume. Any variation in this vatham, pitham, kabam, impulse volume which indicates diseases and can find out curability and fatality.