Ayurveda Treatment
Ayurveda is a traditional medicine system of India. It is a scientific art to live a healthy life. ‘Ayu’- means life, veda means knowledge. That is science or Knowledge about healthy life.
According to Hindu mythological beliefs, the founder of universe god Brahma who first taught Ayurveda to Daksha Prajapati & then in turn he taught to the twin Physician cum gods Aswin Kumars, then it passed to Lord of heaven Indra and finally it passed to different sages.
Ayurveda is based on the prime theory of five Elemental theory and three dosha principles.
Everything in the universe as well as the human body is comprised by the five elements- called as Panchabhoota.
- ஆகாஷம் – [Space]
- வாயு – [Air]
- அக்னி – [Fire]
- ஜலம் – [Water]
- நிலம் – [Earth]
Each of these have specific functions and maintaining Balance and any imbalance leads to various ailments.
Pancha Karma is a unique Procedure to detoxify, and to bring normal position of imbalanced Doshas. They have five Procedures
- Vamana – Therapeutic Vomiting
- Virechana – Therapeutic Purgation
- Niruhavasti – Cleansing enemas/ Non oily enemas
- Anuvasana Vasti – Oleation enemas
- Nasya – Administration of medicines through nasal route

Seven Dhatus
Dhatus which denote structural components of our body named as Saptdha Dhatus They are:- Rasa - Plasma fluid
- Rakta - Blood
- Mamsa - Muscle
- Meda - Adipose tissue /Fat
- Asti - Bone & Cartilage
- Majja - Bone marrow
- Shukra - Semen/ Ovam/ Reproductory fluids
Food Consumption – nourished our body through the particular fashion of seven steps one by one. Finally reached semen or ovam of our Reproductive system.
These seven Dhatus hold up our body in a balanced state and provide strength of life. When they are not in Balance, it may cause Disease.
Some other Procedures for detoxification and to cure diseases are:
- Kativasti - Warm medicated oil is kept in lower back region of the body with the help of thick black gram paste encircled as boundary over the Low Back region when the Patient lies in prone position. This is effective for ailment related to Back bone and disc.
- Meruvasti - Medicated oil is kept on whole the back bone. This is ffective for ailment related to back bone and disc
- Januvansti - Medicated oil is kept over knee Joint with the help of black gram paste as boundary. This is effective for degenerative diseases of Knee Joint.
- Hrudyavasti - Medicated oil is kept over chest with black gram paste boundary. This is effective for Heart diseases, asthma and muscle pain of chest.
- Nabhee Vasti - Medicated oil is kept over umbilicus with the help of black gram paste Boundary. This is effective for ailments related to digestive system.
- Sirovasti - Warm medicated oil is retained on the head for a particular period with the help of suitable cap around the head. This is effective for cervical Spondylosis, Hemiplegia, Facial palsy and ailments related to Head.
- Navarakizhi - Massage the body with cooked Navara rice, Cow's milk, Herbal decoction mixture which is packed by linen cloth. This is effective for ailments related to muscle atrophy, Hemiplegia and Rheumatism.
- Pizhichal - A type of fomentation therapy in which warm oil is squeezed / poured all over the body/ Specific part for a stipulated period in a Specific manner along with simple massage. It is effective in Neurological problems, ankylosing spondilitis, Rheumatoid arthritis etc.
- Sarvang dhara - Warm herbal decoction or oil poured all over the body in a rhythmic way using special vessels/ Dhara pots. This is effective for ailments related to Hemiplegia and rheumatism etc.
- Shirodara - Luke warm oil/ Herbal decoction/ medicated milk is continuously poured on the fore head by using special apparatus. This is effective in Head ache, Migrane, Insomnia, Neurological disorders revitalization of body and mind.
- Akshi Tarpana - Medicated ghee is retained via cavity made over eyes with the help of black gram paste. This is effective for stress, eye strain and improves eye sight.
- Karna Poornam - Medicated oil or ghee/ Herbal juice is poured into the ear. This is effective for the ailments related to inflammatory & degenerative ear disorders, difficulty in hearing and Head ache etc.
- Gandoosa - Medicated oil or dection is kept in mouth. This is used for glowing face, wringed check and disorders of teeth, mouth and throat.
- Utsadana - Medicated oil is poured entire body and specific massage carried on. This is used for ailments related to muscle pain arthritis etc.
- Sirolepa - It is a method of application of certain medicinal herbs paste to the head. This is used for ailments related to head & eye diseases, insomnia and psychological disorders.
Ashtang Ayurvedha
Which comprises all Ayurvedic medical knowledge in eight division. For easy understanding. They are- Kaya Chikitsa - General medicine
- Kaumar Bjaritya - Treatment related to pregnant women and babies.
- Bhoot Vidya - Demonology and Psychiatric medicine
- Shalakya Chikitsa - Diseases- deals with supraclavicular region,ENT & Eye.
- Agad- tantra - Allevation of Poision, by using antagonising medicines
- Rasayana - Rejuvenation/ Geriatrics
- Bajikarna - Related to treatment and management of sexual disorders.